Ujamaa Christian Poetry

Every New Morning

Dear friends,consider every new morning
a beautiful, blessed one this year of 2005.
Let us be caring to others, knowing
It is God's will that we are alive.

For God works His miracles each new day
let us always praise our awesome God above.
When we pray, thank God for another chance
to love more and more, yes the word is LOVE

A good New Years Resolution is to be aware
of what God desires from you and also me!
And through prayer we will find out as His
plan of Amazing Grace opens and we see!!

No need to be distressed or confused when you
have God in your life every year and every day!
Dear friends, I will end this poem and you will
have more time this 2005 to pray!!

        God Bless You This 2005!

Written by George Edward Noe


Ujamaa Christian Poetry