As long as you keep your love together with God's love,
there is nothing that can break that bond.
Many things over the years will try,
but they will give up and be long gone.
As a servant of the Lord who writes poems,
there is no way I could pass up Valentines Day.
It's full of tender care, passion and compassion
and every other wonderful way.
This is a very easy poem for me to write -
the Lord's love is flowing and I'm sharing it with you.
Always start your day with "I love you"
and end it the same, please do.
I'll let you get back to your love making
which isn't necessarily sexual.
Holding hands, hugs, scratching each others backs,
cuddling are awesome feelings to share - it's habitual.
Thanks be to God for all the different forms of love.
Written by George Edward Noe