Maybe I will just jump back under the covers and go back
to sleep--but I can't now I am too wide awake.
So, I will trudge along and get ready to go to work. I tell
you - I really need a vacation, a nice long break!
But I need more than that! I just figured it out, I started
another day without talking to The Lord!
I must talk to Him and ask for the blessings only He can afford.
Dear Lord, forgive me, for I am a pitiful human and have many
faults, forgive the way I have been without You--I am not okay!
Please Dear Lord comfort me and support me in every way!
Oh thank You Lord, this "One of those Days" is already
getting better, I feel Your Love and Your power.
I had lost my way, I praize You Lord for being with me each
day and each hour! Amen
Written by George Edward Noe