But what of hired magicians
Who came to Pharaoh's aid?
All their power's in Moses' hand,
And Pharaoh was dismayed.
All this was done before the lamb
Was slaughtered on that night;
Before the bloodstained doorposts,
Before the headlong flight.
Before a man comes to the Lamb,
Something must take place.
The Saviour visits "Pharaoh"
And sees him face to face.
And then he strips him of his power
Which held the prisoner fast;
And gives the captive power to flee
When freedom comes at last.
The Lamb of God does free a man
From Satan's power and might;
And only then can that man turn
To God, who dwells in light.
"Think on these things" the Scripture said,
But Satan is not one.
His kingdom is beneath our feet,
And all his threats are gone.
A man of understanding
Will search out all these things.
And any doctrine based on truth,
Oh! What a peace it brings!