Ujamaa Christian Poetry
Quickly to run and do the things that we know
displeases God I know it gets weary on this road
When yeilding to temptation for the sake of worldly
pleasure a temporary sensation lasting only for
a moment it's not wise to try his patience.
There should be no excuse when you know the
difference although some may not be aware this
could happen because of spiritual interference.
Negative influences were designed to attack our
thoughts making them impure to serve the
purpose of the adversary.
The battle is in the mind the enemy will do everything
he can to pull us away from our savior he is envious of
the many blessings bestowed upon us merited favor of
the children of the king .
His destiny is to control when we're disobedient that plays
right into his hands making his job easy we tend to forget
sometimes that he is watching our every step the devourer
is waiting for us to fall.
This message is a reminder spiritually we've got to stay
on the ball.
Written by Lorraine Jackson