Evil flourishes everywhere
So few yet understand
Why nought and no one seems to care
Why pestilence floods the land
Fools may wonder about the fuss
Failing The Truth to see
That only grace reveals it's us!
Unwilling to be free
To leave, no more to look behind
All bridges break and burn
To give the past no further mind
And never to return
Cast aside things foul and rotten
What flesh and bones degrade
To reach for that, by most forgotten
For that which cannot fade
To drink from life's eternal streams
To eat as few before
To leave behind all selfish dreams
And enter evermore
Beyond this realm of salty tears
Of bitterness and pain
Till selfishness disappears
And shadows cease to reign
Then Heaven's Light will surely rise
God's Truth will kiss the dawn
Lost souls will open wide their eyes
And truly be reborn
Written by Michael Johnson