Ujamaa Christian Poetry
By the well
The journey will be long …
The voice of silence is so loud !
My soul thirsts!
A silent tear insists on falling .
Weary and alone , my armor set apart
I am sitting by the well
I wish I were a hero,
But life insists on telling me this is not fiction,
I am not on the big screen,
It´s me : my very being , without make up.
No! No surrender to death at all !
I chose to believe
And I came because I want to say
I ´m so tired, Lord
This long path …
This less travelled road I chose demands strength
It would be easier to see only the visible .
But I dare to believe and seek out the unseen
I came to draw some water,
Because I shall not stop , I must walk on
For now, I just want to draw some water
I cast all my loneliness onto your feet,
And your feet… and my feet also…
This dust from the desert covering us …
You … so powerful, yet so similar to me .
I came to share myself with you
And enjoy this refreshing living water
I just want to be by this stream of living waters
Tomorrow is another day …
For now… I just want to share myself and my humanity with you …
Stay with me, and I shall find rest .
To lay down my very self in your presence
Full surrender of all I am before you
And share these sweet moments of companionship
At this moment , when this void within me
Meet your Being
While drinking of you
My strength is renewed for this ongoing journey
After all, wouldn´t you elect us ' friends ' ?
Instead of ' master ' you preferred to be a brother :
Son of man .
Written by Obed R. Souza