Ujamaa Christian Poetry

True Love

I dreamed of true love, a long time ago.

Love, that surpasses all understanding.

Love that is sung about in those

classic soul ballads we all know.

Love, that makes a man proclaim

his inability to live without you.

Like the Whispers, when they said,

"Just like fresh air, you cannot be spared"

Or -

The man willing to beg and cry so hard

to get you back, that he can't even speak.

All he can do is moan like Lenny Williams:

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh…"

How good would that feel?

But does that kind of love exist?

Or is it only in my dreams?

Don't even mention any Luther cut…

What woman would not want to have

a man declare that his "house" is not

a home without her?

To know that someone loves you

so completely and so deeply that

they would give their very life

to save yours.

That man does exist…

His name is JESUS!

Written by Nalita Ross


Ujamaa Christian Poetry