Ujamaa Christian Poetry


First admit to Christ that you are a sinner,
this is whether you are a Vet or a beginner.
Letting Christ know that you can't this live on your own,
or think you know everything just because your grown.
God has the only living water that will quench your thirst,
Never forget your Basic Instructions Before Leaving this Earth.
Study your word to show yourself approved,
showing people that imitating Christ doesn't include being rude.
That we don't have to live this life all alone,
Nor do we have to carry life's burden on our own.
Jesus had our burdens and a cross having to carry it,
which many don't understand now as we are wearing it.
Neglect those carnal ways no longer feeding it,
And live this life for Christ which requires obedience.
Live this life until your last breath,
until the Lord tells you its time to put this Earthly body to rest.
After descending up do not look or come back down,
not until its time to send the enemy permanently underground.
Please don't cry when a believer's life comes to an end,
just make sure your saved so they can see your face again.
Continue to give praise and pass on a testimony,
to let people know they can be saved by the one and only.
These are the instructions sent from God through me,
Always keep God first and to Govern yourselves accordingly.

Written by Kevin Snell


Ujamaa Christian Poetry