You are only just a heartbeat away from eternity
Do you know Jesus Christ for your eternal security
One day your heart will stop beating and you know not when
If you want to go to heaven trust Jesus while you can
Don't wait until another day because that is not the safe way
Today is the day of salvation is what the bible does say
Tomorrow could be too late if your heart stops to beat at any rate
You must prepare for your eternity now before it is too late
Once your heart beats the last time you will go to heaven or hell
Jesus bled and died to pay for our sins is what the bible does tell
The people who are saved will go to heaven when their heart stops beating
So accept Jesus as your savior since this earthly life is quick and fleeting
Please come to the Dear Savior now before it is too late
You don't know what will be on tomorrow's calendar date
Acts 16:30-31: And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved .....
Written by Cindy Wyatt